Nnnchapter 8 verse 3 book of daniel meaning

Daniel 8 the eighth chapter of the book of daniel tells of daniels vision of a twohorned ram destroyed by a onehorned goat a possible allegory for the transition from the persian to the greek eras in the near east, followed by the history of the little horn, which is daniels codeword for the greek king antiochus epiphanes the subject of the vision is antiochus oppression of. Daniel chapter 8 1611 kjv king james version 1 in the third yeere of the reigne of king belshazzar, a vision appeared vnto mee, euen vnto me daniel, after that which appeared vnto me at the first 2 and i saw in a vision and it came to passe when i saw, that i was at shushan in the palace, which is in the prouince of elam and i saw in a vision, and i was by the riuer of ulai. Chapter 8 is all about the vision of the goat and the ram. It concludes with a magnificent scene at gods throne. In verses 2025 gabriel explained the meaning of the ram which daniel had been shown in verse 3, of the goat presented in verse 5, of the great horn on that goat, and of the four horns which followed it. Daniel 8 in the third year of the reign of king belshazzar.

Daniel 8 commentary commentary critical and explanatory on. In the book of revelation he is the final embodiment of the beast. New international version 1 in the third year of king belshazzars reign, i, daniel, had a vision, after the one that had already appeared to me. Even noted scholars hesitate to be dogmatic in their interpretation of this chapter. Could we foresee the changes that shall be when we are gone, we should be less affected with changes in our own day. O a in chapter 7 we had a vision of a lion with eagles wings, a leopard, a bear and a 4th beast with 10 horns.

Daniel was a contemporary of ezekiel who went into babylonian captivity in 597 bc around eight years later than daniel. Marlo on daniel 8 the continuation of the 10 horns or toes is explained in revelation and 17 by the uniting of their kingdom with the angel or beast that will ascend out of the bottomless pit. When the plan is to seduce men from right, then it is a happy thing to have a but, but, but, but daniel purposed in his heart, determined, settled, fixed it, daniel 1. The portion of the book from the fourth verse of the second chapter to the end of the seventh chapter was written in chaldee. To the christian, seeing the hand of god in history should be a constant mindset. The vision of chapter 8 came two years after that of chapter 7.

Daniel 2 niv nebuchadnezzars dream in the bible gateway. Ezekiel mentions daniel three times in his book ezekiel 14. This is appropriate since the rest of the book is concerned with gods program for israel. Daniel 8 the eighth chapter of the book of daniel tells of daniel s vision of a twohorned ram destroyed by a onehorned goat a possible allegory for the transition from the persian to the greek eras in the near east, followed by the history of the little horn, which is daniel s codeword for the greek king antiochus epiphanes. Behold, i will make thee know what shall be in the last end of the indignation. When mystery babylon falls, will begin to culminate thfinal 42month reign of the 10 horns by this angel that was, and is not, yet is who will go into perdition. Verses 1519 introduce the angel, gabriel, who is instructed to convey the meaning of the vision to daniel. Daniel could not have known how god would be involved. To belshazzar the hand of god was a bizarre and frightening thing. In verse 20 the archangel gabriel tells daniel that the ram with two horns represents the kings of media and persia. Daniel knew also jeremiahs writings whose service had begun already some years before the babylonians started to attack jerusalem. Daniel 8, new king james version nkjv the bible app.

Then daniel, whose name was belteshazzar, was astonished for a time, and his thoughts troubled him. God gives daniel a foresight of the destruction of other kingdoms, which in their day were as powerful as that of babylon. Bill discusses these specifics and the ramifications they. This use of a very particular detail does not sound like a vague recollection about a forgotten or imagined king. Their hebrew names are mishael, hananiah, and azariah. He ends up taking back the cream of the crop, the most elite and noble israelites, to serve at his court in babylon. The names of the four were changed, but not their convictions. These lessons take you on a verse by verse study of this fascinating but often neglected book from the old testament. Verses 1 and 2 are the introduction to the vision daniel received. Feb 21, 2008 there were several deportations of jews to babylon both before and after the fall of jerusalem, and it appears that daniel and his three friends were taken in 605 bc. It uses a unicode greek font and a and is printable. The phrase son of man is retained as a form of address here because of its possible association with son of man in the new testament.

The two horns represent the two parts of the empire with the persians, the younger of the two nations, becoming dominant over the medes. Daniel himself has not the foggiest notion of the visions meaning, even after the angel gabriel has interpreted the vision for him. Daniel 1 commentary spurgeons verse expositions of the. Neb even used his hebrew name daniel, the name that bears the name of the god with whom he is coming to terms. He is called belteshazzar, after the name of my god, and the spirit of the holy gods is in him.

God gives daniel a foresight of the destruction of other kingdoms, which in. Daniel with book summary versebyverse bible commentary. In the book of daniel we read about three young hebrew men held captive in babylon by nebuchadnezzar. It is my pleasure to tell you about the miraculous signs and wonders that the most high god has performed for me.

Here was nebuchadnezzar, wrapped in the fervor of yet another touch of god, suddenly at peace with everybody, and ready to testify about what. The author mostly speaks in the third person, except for daniel 8. Daniel 8, new international version niv the bible app. Im fascinated that there really are no boundaries in space and time for god, or for his people as he wills for them. But most of us know them by the pagan names given to them by the babylonians shadrach, meshach, and abednego. Daniel 5 king belshazzar made a great feast for a thousand. The little horn came out of the beast among the 10 horns, daniel 7. This is a bible study about the the meaning of the 2300 days kjv mentioned in daniel 8.

In chapter 8, we get a new vision, with new animals. The prophecies found in the book of daniel are the key to unlocking all biblical prophecy. Daniel 5 describes the hand of god in the writing on the wall, but it also describes the hand of god in the history of babylon and of israel. The prophet ezekiel was sent to babylon in 597 bc and the temple was destroyed in 586bc. He set it up on u the plain of dura, in v the province of babylon. Daniels visions of conquest the ram and the hegoat. Daniel 4, the madness of nebuchadnezzar the fourth chapter of the bibles book of daniel tells how king nebuchadnezzar learns the lesson of gods sovereignty, who is able to bring low those who walk in pride. For a revealing study on the subject, highly recommend bill caves interesting 3 part series type in bill cave in youtubes searchbar. The only thing that was not interpreted for him was chapter 8. He made a clear decision to refuse the kings dainties. Daniel had been transported, in some form or another 8. The portion of daniel which follows is in pure hebrew. The little horn came out of one of the four horns on the goat, which represented greece, daniel 8.

The prophet daniel explained the past and the future of israel and all gentile nations according to the plan and purposes of god and his revelations do so with such incredible accuracy that he has silenced many a biblical skeptic throughout history. Historically, persia represented the higher horn since it was the dominant power of the medopersian empire. Daniel 2 new international version niv nebuchadnezzars dream. Nebuchadnezzars dream of a tree king nebuchadnezzar, to the nations and peoples of every language, who live in all the earth. There were several deportations of jews to babylon both before and after the fall of jerusalem, and it appears that daniel and his three friends were taken in 605 bc. The little horn will emerge near the end of the four horns reign, daniel 8.

And i heard a mans voice between the banks of ulai, which called, and said, gabriel, make this man to understand the vision. Interestingly, one horn grew higher than the other. These notes provide a verse by verse study of 1 kings 16 through 2 kings, as well as a lesson about the role of elijah in the new testament. And it came to pass, when i, even i daniel, had seen the vision, and sought for the meaning, then, behold, there stood before me as the appearance of a man. Nebuchadnezzar the king, to all peoples, nations and languages that dwell in all the earth. As chief of the wise men daniel may not have been required to bow down. Was broken when alexander was greatest, then was he broken, and that to pieces, for he, his mother, son, brother, and all his kindred were destroyed. The book of daniel claims to be written by daniel himself, and the fact that it is written mostly in the third person does not contradict that claim. This book cross and crown is a powerful and thrilling.

Between the vision of nebuchadnezzar in the second chapter and that of daniel in the seventh, four narratives of daniels and his friends personal history are introduced. Daniel 4 niv nebuchadnezzars dream of a tree bible gateway. The scene here narrows from worldwide prophecies to those affecting. The sound of the cornet there is not less difficulty in ascertaining the precise meaning of these musical instruments than there is in the offices in daniel 3. Daniel 1 commentary spurgeons verse expositions of the bible. Millions of angels gather to participate in heavens final judgment. I believe here the stars refer to the faithful among gods people see daniel 12. This is the text version of my video, daniel chapter 8. With this chapter the hebrew part of the book begins and continues to be the language of the remainder. Unsealing daniels mysteries lesson 8 cleansed at last.

There was so much more to daniel than dream interpretation this was a man of god. The rising up and reign of the little horn are recorded in verses 914. In this chapter gabriel tells him about a period of 490 years concerning the messiah, the jewish nation, and the temple. The scene here narrows from worldwide prophecies to those affecting the one covenantpeople in the five centuries. Daniel chapter 1 sermon by darren rogers, daniel 1. Daniel 8 bible commentary wesleys explanatory notes. Here daniel refers to the antichrist as a king having fierce features, and in daniel 11. Daniel, as many other authors of the antiquity and the bible, writes of himself in the third person throughout the first part of the book. Nebuchadnezzar dreams of a great tree that shelters the whole world, but in his dream an angelic watcher appears and decrees that the tree must be cut down and that.

The vision in daniel 8like the one at the first, verse 1also focuses on heavens final judgment. When they came in and stood before the king, 3 he said to them, i have had a dream. So the king spoke, and said, belteshazzar, do not let the dream or its interpretation trouble you. The veil begins to be pulled back as the visions of daniel applies specific meaning to the visions observed by the prophet daniel. Maybe you remember that in the class on daniel chapter 7, i said it was like we were going to climb up into the mountains of bible prophecy. This is our fourth class on bible prophecy and this time we are looking at daniel chapter 8.